


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
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                      1、物料容量逐漸變小。在設備的運轉過(guò)程中,小麥會(huì )經(jīng)過(guò)多道工序,隨著(zhù)胚乳被逐漸刮下時(shí),物料的容重便會(huì )減輕。而容量越小,減輕的速度會(huì )越

                      1、物料容量逐漸變小。在設備的運轉過(guò)程中,小麥會(huì )經(jīng)過(guò)多道工序,隨著(zhù)胚乳被逐漸刮下時(shí),物料的容重便會(huì )減輕。而容量越小,減輕的速度會(huì )越快,從而導致單位流量降低。
                      1. The material capacity gradually decreases. During the operation of the equipment, wheat will go through multiple processes. As the endosperm is gradually scraped off, the bulk density of the material will be reduced. The smaller the capacity is, the faster the reduction speed will be, resulting in the reduction of unit flow.
                      2、小麥顆粒不均勻。在同一研磨系統下,當物料顆粒的粒度相差懸殊時(shí),一些較小的顆粒便很難受到研磨作用,這樣就不能很好的發(fā)揮出設備的作用,產(chǎn)量將會(huì )降低。
                      2. The grain size of wheat is not uniform. In the same grinding system, when the particle size of the material is very different, some smaller particles will be hard to grind, so they can not play the role of the equipment, and the output will be reduced.
                      3、在操作時(shí),隨著(zhù)軋距的減小,研磨區域的長(cháng)度便會(huì )增加。這時(shí),粉碎程度提高,但單位流量相應地降低。
                      3. During operation, the length of grinding area increases with the decrease of rolling distance. At this time, the degree of comminution increases, but the unit flow rate decreases correspondingly.
                      4、磨齒高度逐漸降低。隨著(zhù)使用時(shí)間的不斷延長(cháng),面粉機械的磨齒逐漸磨損,物料在研磨區域中的移動(dòng)速度會(huì )有所降低。并且由于磨齒高度減少,兩磨齒間隙中的物料減少,石磨面粉機械的產(chǎn)量逐漸降低。
                      4. The grinding height gradually decreases. With the continuous extension of the use time, the grinding teeth of flour machinery gradually wear, and the movement speed of materials in the grinding area will be reduced. And because of the reduction of grinding height, the material in the gap between the two grinding teeth is reduced, and the output of stone milling flour machinery is gradually reduced.
                      以上的精彩內容來(lái)自: 豆漿石磨機更多的精彩內容請點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入我們的網(wǎng)站:http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com我們會(huì )繼續為您提供精彩內容,感謝關(guān)注!
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