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                      現在的人們不僅講究美味,而且還要求健康的飲食,下面給大家介紹一下豆漿石磨機磨出的豆漿怎么喝更健康。Today& 39;s people not only

                      Today's people not only pay attention to delicious, but also require a healthy diet, let's introduce how to drink more healthy soybean milk from soybean milk stone mill.
                      At present, many people drink a cup of soybean milk, but you may ignore some special substances in soybean milk. Therefore, the nutrition experts of graphite soybean milk suggest: Although soybean milk is good, it is not suitable for everyone. When drinking, take a look at the following precautions, how to make the soybean milk from the soybean milk stone mill more nutritious and delicious.
                      Here to give you a brief introduction to drink Soybean Milk stone mill a few points for attention
                      Seven things to pay attention to when drinking soybean milk
                      一、忌喝未煮熟的豆漿:很多人喜歡買(mǎi)生豆漿回家自己加熱,加熱時(shí)看到泡沫上涌就誤以為已經(jīng)煮沸,其實(shí)這是豆漿的有機物質(zhì)受熱膨脹形成氣泡造成的上冒現象,并非沸騰,是沒(méi)有熟的。沒(méi)有熟的豆漿對人體是有害的。因為豆漿中含有兩種有毒物質(zhì),會(huì )導致蛋白質(zhì)代謝障礙,并對胃腸道產(chǎn)生刺激,引起中毒癥狀。預防豆漿中毒的辦法就是將豆漿在100℃的高溫下煮沸,就可安心飲用了。如果飲用豆漿后出現頭痛、呼吸受阻等癥狀,應立即就醫,絕不能延誤時(shí)機,以防危及生命。
                      Soybean milk is soybean milk. Soybean is not cooked. People like to buy raw soybean milk to go home to heat themselves. When heating, they see that the bubbles are upwelling. They are mistaken for boiling. In fact, this is the phenomenon of the organic matter of soya bean milk which is heated and expanded to form bubbles. Love is not boiling, but it is not ripe. Not cooked soybean milk is harmful to human body. Because soybean milk contains two toxic substances, it will lead to protein metabolism disorders, and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing poisoning symptoms. The way to prevent soybean milk poisoning is to boil the soybean milk at 100 ℃ for safe drinking. If you have headache, respiratory obstruction and other symptoms after drinking soybean milk, you should see a doctor immediately, and never delay the time to prevent life-threatening.
                      2、 Avoid flushing brown sugar: brown sugar in soybean milk tastes sweet, but organic acid in brown sugar and protein in soybean milk can produce denatured sediment, which greatly destroys the nutrients.
                      3、 Don't beat eggs in soybean milk: many people like to beat eggs in soybean milk and think it is more nutritious, but this method is unscientific. This is because the mucus protein in eggs is easy to combine with trypsin in soybean milk to produce a substance that can't be absorbed by human body, which greatly reduces the absorption of nutrition by human body
                      4、 Avoid drinking too much: drinking too much soy milk at a time is easy to cause protein indigestion, abdominal distension, diarrhea and other symptoms.
                      五、忌裝保溫瓶:豆漿石磨機中有能除掉保溫瓶?jì)人傅奈镔|(zhì),在溫度適宜的條件下,以石墨豆漿作為養料,瓶?jì)燃毦鷷?huì )大量繁殖,經(jīng)過(guò)3~4個(gè)小時(shí)就能使豆漿酸敗變質(zhì)。
                      5、 Avoid thermos: there are substances in the soybean milk stone mill that can remove the scale in the thermos. When the temperature is appropriate and graphite soybean milk is used as the nutrient, a large number of bacteria will breed in the bottle, and the soybean milk will be rancid after 3 ~ 4 hours.
                      六、忌與藥物同飲:有些藥物會(huì )破壞豆漿里的營(yíng)養成分,如四環(huán)素、紅霉素等抗生素藥物。
                      6、 Avoid drinking with drugs: some drugs will destroy the nutritional components in soybean milk, such as tetracycline, erythromycin and other antibiotic drugs.
                      七、忌空腹飲豆漿:豆漿石磨機磨出的豆漿里含有的蛋白質(zhì)大都會(huì )在人體內轉化為熱量而被消耗掉,不能充分起到補益作用。飲用豆漿石磨機磨出的豆漿的同時(shí)吃些面包、糕點(diǎn)、饅頭等淀粉類(lèi)食品,可使豆漿中蛋白質(zhì)等在淀粉的作用下,與胃液較充分地發(fā)生酶解,使營(yíng)養物質(zhì)被充分吸收。
                      7、 Avoid drinking soybean milk on an empty stomach: most of the protein in the soybean milk grinded by the soybean milk stone mill will be converted into heat and consumed in the human body, which can not fully play a tonic role. When you drink the soybean milk from the stone mill and eat some starchy foods such as bread, cakes and steamed bread, the protein in the soybean milk can be enzymolyzed with the gastric juice under the action of starch, so that the nutrients can be fully absorbed.
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