


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
                      • 聯(lián)系:和經(jīng)理
                      • 電話(huà):17116125111
                      • 手機:17116125111
                      • 郵箱:3471464452@qq.com
                      • 網(wǎng)址:http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com
                      • 廠(chǎng)址:山東省濟南市章丘區相公莊鎮
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                      通過(guò)調查和反饋,客戶(hù)在使用面粉石磨機時(shí),或多或少都會(huì )遇到一些難題。本著(zhù)方便客戶(hù)、服務(wù)客戶(hù)的原則,我們將不定期開(kāi)展面粉石磨機產(chǎn)品知識講解活動(dòng),與您共同探討客戶(hù)經(jīng)常遇到或難以

                      通過(guò)調查和反饋,客戶(hù)在使用面粉石磨機時(shí),或多或少都會(huì )遇到一些難題。本著(zhù)方便客戶(hù)、服務(wù)客戶(hù)的原則,我們將不定期開(kāi)展面粉石磨機產(chǎn)品知識講解活動(dòng),與您共同探討客戶(hù)經(jīng)常遇到或難以的問(wèn)題,并找到辦法,希望能幫助客戶(hù)更好地使用公司的產(chǎn)品。
                      Through investigation and feedback, customers will more or less encounter some problems when using flour stone mill. In line with the principle of convenience and service to customers, we will carry out knowledge explanation activities of flour and stone mill products from time to time, discuss with you the problems that customers often encounter or are difficult to solve, and find solutions, hoping to help customers use the company's products better.
                      When processing durum wheat with small flour, the slag grinding process of "clearing flour first and then adding slag" is usually adopted. The main characteristics of the process are wide range of flour cleaning, high extraction rate of first-class fine coarse particles, uniform quality of materials into slag grinding, low grinding turnover rate, suitable for processing high hardness wheat. The disadvantage is that the use of cleaning equipment is too much, the material of slag grinding machine is not well selected, and the role of slag grinding machine is not fully played.
                      When processing soft wheat with flour, the method of "dregs before dregs" can be used. The main characteristics of the process are that the slag grinding system is fully used, the cleaning range is slightly narrow, and the number of cleaning machines is small, which is suitable for processing soft wheat. The disadvantages are uneven quality of slag abrasives, high turnover rate of small flour machine, and slightly low extraction rate of first-class quality coarse particles.
                      In the process of extracting fine flour, the slag grinding system of "clear powder first, then slag, then clear powder" is usually used. The main feature of this process is not only to give full play to the role of flour cleaning system, but also to fully tap the potential of slag grinding system, so as to extract as many first-class coarse grains and coarse flour as possible. This technology has the ability to extract a large amount of high-precision flour. The disadvantage is that the number of cleaning machines and management requirements are slightly higher. According to the flow rate of flat screen, the characteristics of screened materials and the requirement of flow balance in pulverizing process, the selection of classification screen of flat screen for slag mill is determined.
                      The above is about the flour mill slag grinding process of different characteristics, for reference only, please pay attention to us.
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                      魯公網(wǎng)安備 37018102000574號
