


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
                      • 聯(lián)系:和經(jīng)理
                      • 電話(huà):17116125111
                      • 手機:17116125111
                      • 郵箱:3471464452@qq.com
                      • 網(wǎng)址:http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com
                      • 廠(chǎng)址:山東省濟南市章丘區相公莊鎮
                      新聞資訊 您現在的位置:首頁(yè) - 新聞資訊



                      有些朋友遇到石磨豆腐機軸承噪聲問(wèn)題,這是怎么回事?因為軸承在運轉中都會(huì )發(fā)出一定的聲響。若石磨豆腐機軸承運轉正常,其聲音為連續而細小的“沙沙”聲,不會(huì )有忽高忽低的變化及金屬

                      有些朋友遇到石磨豆腐機軸承噪聲問(wèn)題,這是怎么回事?因為軸承在運轉中都會(huì )發(fā)出一定的聲響。若石磨豆腐機軸承運轉正常,其聲音為連續而細小的“沙沙”聲,不會(huì )有忽高忽低的變化及金屬摩擦聲。若出現以下幾種聲音則為正?,F象。
                      Some friends encounter the bearing noise problem of stone mill tofu machine. What's the matter? Because the bearing will make a certain noise in operation. If the bearing of tofu mill works normally, its sound is continuous and small "rustle", and there will be no change from high to low and metal friction sound. The following sounds are normal.
                      First, there is a "squeak" sound when the bearing is running. This is the metal friction sound, which is generally caused by the lack of oil in the machine bearing. The bearing should be disassembled and filled with an appropriate amount of grease.
                      Second, if there is a "chirp" sound, it is due to the sound of the ball when it rotates. Generally, it is caused by the grease drying up or lack of oil. You can add an appropriate amount of grease.
                      Third, if there is a "click" or "creak" sound, it is caused by the irregular movement of the ball in the bearing, which is caused by the damage of the ball in the bearing of the machine or the long-term use of the motor and the drying up of the grease.
                      The above is a detailed explanation. Zhongyang graphite products mainly include old farmers' corn pie snack cart, gas electric cake pan, shaking oil machine, tender corn stone mill, stone mill flour machine, sesame oil stone mill, soybean milk tofu stone mill, rice milk stone mill, rice flour stone mill, intestine powder stone mill, sesame paste stone mill, pancake fruit stone mill, frying pan, hand rock mill, stone mill, stone mill ornaments, etc.
                      More than a few hundred sets of stone mills for Guangdong Rice milk and sausage powder, Fujian sesame paste, Tianjin pancake fruit, Shandong soybean milk and tofu, northeast three provinces soybean milk and tofu, and several thousand sets of corn pie snack trucks and gas-fired firing stoves. In other areas, there are more than 1000 hotels, villas and household appliances.
                      首頁(yè) 走進(jìn)中陽(yáng) 產(chǎn)品中心 石磨小吃 新聞資訊 聯(lián)系我們 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT

                      魯公網(wǎng)安備 37018102000574號
