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                      1. Flour is rich in protein. The common content is 10% - 13%, higher than that of rice. But the content of lysine, arginine, histidine and methionine in wheat protein is relatively low. Therefore, when we eat pasta, we should make up for these foods with high nutritional content, so as to achieve the nutritional complementary and healthy dietary guidelines
                      Here is a brief reminder: lysine is the main nutrient for regulating the balance of human metabolism and promoting growth and development. Lysine rich foods include fish, dairy products, soybeans and bean products, yams, lotus seeds, honey, buckwheat and other foods. Histidine is an essential amino acid for the growth and development of infants and young children, and the human body can not synthesize it, so it should be completely dependent on food supply.
                      2、面粉還含有一定的礦物質(zhì)和維生素。其礦物質(zhì)主要散布在麥粒的表層,而維生素主要分布胚芽和表層中,祛斑產(chǎn)品排行榜。在這里也順便提示一下:精制的面粉就是將麥粒表層和胚芽部分研磨掉得良多(麥粒表層富含維生素和礦物質(zhì),胚芽富含蛋白質(zhì)、脂肪、礦物質(zhì)、維生素),得到的都是麥粒的胚乳部分,所以,保濕護膚品排行榜,越是精制的面粉營(yíng)養損失越重大,長(cháng)期食用這樣的面粉作為主食,我們身材會(huì )嚴峻受損。面粉中的礦物質(zhì)含量并不許多,但B族維生素卻是我們膳食維生素的重要起源。所以,倡議不吃主食的友人們要改改習慣.同時(shí),提議少抉擇精制面粉.
                      2. Flour also contains certain minerals and vitamins. Its minerals are mainly distributed in the surface layer of wheat grain, while vitamins are mainly distributed in the germ and surface layer. By the way, here is a hint: refined flour is to grind off the surface layer and germ part of wheat grain (the surface layer of wheat grain is rich in vitamins and minerals, while the germ is rich in protein, fat, minerals and vitamins), and get the endosperm part of wheat grain, According to the list of moisturizing and skin care products, the more refined flour, the greater the loss of nutrition. If we eat such flour as staple food for a long time, our body will be severely damaged. The mineral content of flour is not much, but B vitamins are the important origin of our dietary vitamins. Therefore, the proposal does not eat staple food friends to change habits. At the same time, the proposal less choice of refined flour
                      3. Flour is rich in carbohydrates. This part of nutrition mainly exists in the endosperm of wheat grain, that is, refined flour! It is the part obtained by removing most of the nutrient rich surface layer and germ of wheat grain. Ha ha ~ at the beginning, which kind of product freckle effect is good, you know, refined flour is mostly starch!
                      4、面粉也含有必定的脂肪。它重要存在于麥粒的胚芽局部,麩皮次之、胚乳起碼。麥粒中的脂肪多是不飽跟脂肪酸,是人體必須的脂肪酸,它有保持細胞畸形生理功能、下降血液粘稠度改良血液輪回、進(jìn)步腦細胞活性加強記憶的功能。在廚房的利用中,面粉中的脂類(lèi)對烘焙品德有著(zhù)直接的影響。咱們個(gè)別會(huì )在面包中增加糖、油脂,不僅能使面粉本來(lái)的品質(zhì)得到堅持,還能增大面包的體積、松軟其質(zhì)地,同時(shí)能起到保鮮的作用。
                      4. Flour also contains a certain amount of fat. It mainly exists in the part of germ of wheat grain, followed by bran and endosperm. The fat in wheat grain is mostly unsaturated fatty acid, which is necessary for human body. It has the functions of maintaining the physiological function of cell deformity, reducing blood viscosity, improving blood circulation, improving brain cell activity and strengthening memory. In the use of the kitchen, flour lipids have a direct impact on baking morality. We will add sugar and oil to bread individually, which can not only adhere to the original quality of flour, but also increase the volume of bread, soften its texture, and keep it fresh.
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