


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
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                      石磨面粉機用于加工小麥、玉米、雜糧等面粉、粗糧面粉的加工器械。面粉磨粉機 般分為兩大類(lèi),鋼磨磨粉機和石磨磨粉機,今天我們將對這兩大

                      石磨面粉機用于加工小麥、玉米、雜糧等面粉、粗糧面粉的加工器械。面粉磨粉機 般分為兩大類(lèi),鋼磨磨粉機和石磨磨粉機,今天我們將對這兩大分類(lèi)分別簡(jiǎn)單介紹,讓大家明白面粉磨粉機是如何分類(lèi)的,面粉磨粉機根據加工方式和生產(chǎn)工藝的不同,分為鋼磨磨粉機和石磨磨粉機,而這兩個(gè)分類(lèi)有可以根據產(chǎn)量、、自動(dòng)化等再詳細劃分。面粉磨粉機這兩大分類(lèi)有著(zhù)明顯的區別。
                      Stone mill flour machine is used to process wheat, corn, coarse grain flour and other flour. Flour mills are generally divided into two categories, steel mills and stone mills. Today, we will briefly introduce these two categories to let you understand how flour mills are classified. Flour mills are divided into steel mills and stone mills according to different processing methods and production processes. These two categories can be divided according to output, price Automation, etc. There are obvious differences between the two categories of flour mills.
                      面粉磨粉機中的鋼磨設備,就是我們80后 代小時(shí)候常見(jiàn)的面粉機械, 般幾個(gè)村少有 個(gè)這種鋼磨面粉設備。這種磨粉機具有生產(chǎn)效率高、面粉品質(zhì)好的優(yōu)點(diǎn),加工 袋面粉, 般只需要1-2元錢(qián),成本比較低。面粉磨粉機中的另 種磨粉設備:石磨面粉機,是通過(guò)上下兩個(gè)磨盤(pán)上下的擠壓和旋轉,將小麥研磨粉碎?,F在人們只能從電視上見(jiàn)到那種原始的手推磨了,面粉加工廠(chǎng)使用的石磨磨粉機和這個(gè)原理相似,只不過(guò)加入了電機的生產(chǎn)要素,大大降低了勞動(dòng)強度。這兩種分類(lèi)方法就是面粉磨粉機的常見(jiàn)分類(lèi)。
                      The steel milling equipment in the flour mill is the common flour machinery in our post-80s generation. There are at least one such steel milling equipment in several villages. This mill has the advantages of high production efficiency and good flour quality. Generally, it only needs 1-2 yuan to process bag flour, and the cost is relatively low. Another milling equipment in the flour mill: stone flour mill, which grinds and grinds wheat through the extrusion and rotation of the upper and lower grinding discs. Now people can only see the original hand grinding on TV. The stone mill used in the flour mill is similar to this principle, but the production factors of the motor are added, which greatly reduces the labor intensity. These two classification methods are the common classification of flour mills.
                      Necessity of improvement of stone mill flour mill:
                      1. The content of nutrients, pesticides and other harmful substances in raw grain shall be clearly specified, and the loss of nutrients and harmful substances in processed raw grain shall be included in the detection standard.
                      2. It is very necessary to strengthen market supervision. The grain products on the market shall be strictly inspected, and the defective raw grain shall be strictly supervised to ensure the normal development of the industry.
                      3. The increasing market demand for raw grain has promoted the development and competition of flour machinery manufacturers. In the production stage, it is necessary to improve the mechanical standards and product standards and improve the quality of processed products.
                      4.市場(chǎng)需求必然會(huì )帶來(lái)競爭。有關(guān)部門(mén)要維護正規企業(yè)的利益,通過(guò)加強管理,清理整頓生產(chǎn)規模小、技術(shù)水平低、無(wú)生產(chǎn)能力的企業(yè),更好地保護正規企業(yè)的利益,提高全行業(yè)的質(zhì)量和技術(shù)水平,增強產(chǎn)品競爭力。
                      4. Market demand will inevitably bring competition. Relevant departments should safeguard the interests of formal enterprises, clean up and rectify enterprises with small production scale, low technical level and no production capacity by strengthening management, better protect the interests of formal enterprises, improve the quality and technical level of the whole industry, and enhance product competitiveness.
                      There are many factors affecting the quality of flour produced by stone mill flour machine. In addition to the quality and management level of flour mill, objective factors such as raw material quality, wheat moisture content, grinding age and so on are affecting the quality of stone mill flour production. How to reduce the influence of objective factors on the production quality of stone mill flour mill? On the one hand, we can reasonably improve the impact of raw material quality and wheat moisture content on flour quality by improving raw material quality and wheat moisture content, such as preparing wheat before production and moistening wheat.
                      The quality of stone mill flour mill is first determined by raw materials. Its raw materials determine its strength, which cannot be determined by the processing technology. This is the performance of the material itself, which is only related to the factors in the material processing process. Another factor that determines the quality of stone mill flour mill is processing technology, such as welding technology, design principle, processing flow, etc. These are directly related to the quality of stone mill flour mill. For example, if the welding quality is not good, it is easy to cause welding to start. In this case, the stone mill flour mill cannot operate normally. Therefore, another factor determining the quality of stone mill flour mill is the quality of core accessories, such as the selection of motor. The quality of the motor determines whether the stone mill flour mill can operate normally and whether the operation is good or bad.
                      感謝您的閱讀,此文的文章來(lái)源:豆漿石磨機更多的內容和問(wèn)題請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com我們會(huì )繼續努力的為您提供服務(wù),感謝您的支持!
                      Thank you for reading. Source of this article: soybean milk stone mill. For more content and questions, please click: http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!
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