


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
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                      對于不同農作物的加工選用的加工機器也不同,因此石磨面粉機在加工石磨面粉的時(shí)候根據原糧的種類(lèi)所采用的配件也是有很大不同。很多用戶(hù)發(fā)現市場(chǎng)上的石磨面粉機配件種類(lèi)有很多,在提供石磨面粉機清單的時(shí)候有很多不同的配件供用戶(hù)選擇,那么對于石磨面粉機而言不同質(zhì)量的配置會(huì )影響石磨面粉機的正常運行。
                      The processing machines selected for the processing of different crops are also different, so the accessories used by the stone mill flour machine according to the type of raw grain are also very different. Many users find that there are many kinds of stone flour mill accessories in the market. When providing the list of stone flour mill, there are many different accessories for users to choose. Then for the stone flour mill, the configuration of different quality will affect the normal operation of the stone flour mill.
                      There are skills in selecting the materials of different vulnerable parts of the stone flour mill. The stone flour mill contains many parts, and the appearance of the stone flour mill is very stable under normal operation. If the appearance becomes smaller, it is likely that the problem of the grinding roller and spring leads to the enlargement of the middle gap. We should make corresponding adjustment. If the stone mill flour equipment is less exposed under normal conditions, the screen may be blocked or damaged, and we need to deal with it in time.
                      Component is one of the key components of the product. It can not only reflect the operation efficiency, convenience and comfort of the whole machine, but also the main fault source in the work of the whole machine. Avoid the emission problem while ensuring the normal operation of the machine; Save fuel consumption by changing the product parameters of specific parts; It depends on the energy-saving technology research of stone mill flour equipment products and the energy diversity technology research of stone mill flour equipment products.
                      石磨面粉機進(jìn)行加工出的面粉溫度過(guò)高時(shí)就會(huì )導致面粉中的營(yíng)養物質(zhì)就會(huì )流失,為了保證面粉的質(zhì)量,石磨面粉設備在加工品種不同的小麥在潤麥時(shí)間上有控制。由于不同品種和不同地區的小麥含水量與物理特性各異,有的干硬、有的濕軟。經(jīng)過(guò)清理后必須進(jìn)行水分調節,使之達到適水分含量。
                      When the temperature of the flour processed by the stone mill flour machine is too high, the nutrients in the flour will be lost. In order to ensure the quality of flour, the stone mill flour equipment controls the moistening time of different varieties of wheat. Due to the different water content and physical characteristics of wheat in different varieties and regions, some are dry and hard, and some are wet and soft. After cleaning, the water must be adjusted to reach the appropriate water content.
                      The stored wheat after being watered for a period of time is mainly for the purpose of water infiltration into the wheat grains, and at the same time, the water between the wheat grains is uniform, so that the wheat grain cortex and endosperm are easy to be separated and ground, and the wheat peel will not be broken due to the increase of toughness, which provides conditions for the good and stability of the whole process and the compliance of the water content of the finished product. Due to different weather and regions and different wheat varieties, the wheat moistening time is generally 30-48 hours, and the moisture content of the ground wheat of stone flour is 13-14.5%. The moistening time and grinding water of hard wheat are generally higher than that of soft grain wheat.
                      The above wonderful content is what Xiaobian provides for you today. More wonderful content comes from: Flour stone mill. For details, please click our website to pay attention to: http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com
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