


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
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                      We should know that the quality and nutritional value of flour are closely related to the processing process of stone mill sesame paste machine. The flour ground at low temperature and low speed is more uniform and delicate, completely retains the nutrients in wheat, and allows everyone to eat nutritious flour products.
                      How to reasonably operate the stone mill sesame paste machinery? First of all, the gap between the rollers is large, and the flour particles produced in this way are also larger, with strong flavor. It is a kind of original ecological flour; If the gap between the rollers is small, the processed flour particles are small, and some nutrients are destroyed and disappeared under the action of mechanical force and high temperature, such as carotene.
                      其次,有些廠(chǎng)家為了提高石磨芝麻醬機械的出粉率,會(huì )壓緊磨輥軋距,強制出粉。造成磨輥溫度過(guò)高,燙傷面筋,這樣的面粉,柔韌性很差,面制品發(fā)脆。麩皮在面制品的加工過(guò)程中,會(huì )刺穿面團中的微氣室,造成面團塌癟,俗稱(chēng)死面,非常影響口感。這樣就會(huì )影響面粉加工廠(chǎng)的口碑,所以面粉生產(chǎn)還是需要按照石磨芝麻醬機械的生產(chǎn)規范來(lái)進(jìn)行。
                      Secondly, in order to improve the powder output rate of stone mill sesame paste machinery, some manufacturers will press the rolling distance of grinding roll and force powder output. The temperature of the grinding roller is too high and the gluten is scalded. Such flour has poor flexibility and brittle flour products. During the processing of flour products, bran will pierce the micro air chamber in the dough, resulting in the collapse of the dough, commonly known as dead noodles, which greatly affects the taste. This will affect the reputation of the flour processing plant, so the flour production still needs to be carried out according to the production specifications of stone grinding sesame paste machinery.
                      石磨芝麻醬機械容易出現的故障及辦法!使用石磨芝麻醬機械的用戶(hù)應及時(shí)了解可能會(huì )出現的故障,然后做好相應的應對措施,才能更好的防止因故障而導致的損失。
                      Faults and solutions of stone mill sesame paste machinery! Users using stone mill sesame paste machinery should timely understand the possible faults, and then take corresponding countermeasures, so as to better prevent the losses caused by faults.
                      1. If the machine body shakes, tighten the connecting bolts between the grinding head and the frame.
                      2. When the output decreases, the spring shall be tightened to ensure the clearance * at both ends of the grinding roller, and the worn grinding teeth shall be repaired.
                      3. If the flour temperature is high, loosen the grinding roller; If the grinding roller is seriously worn, it shall be repaired or replaced; When the machine temperature is high, stop the machine for heat dissipation.
                      4. No bran can be produced because the main shaft rotates incorrectly, the screen frame is not tightly sealed or the screen is damaged.
                      5. No or little powder is produced because the screen is blocked.
                      6. The mechanical voltage is too low, the distribution line is missing, the line contact is poor, the control circuit is broken, the fuse is blown, etc., resulting in failure to start.
                      After troubleshooting, the wheat, corn, rice, millet and other grains milled by the stone mill sesame paste machine have the characteristics of high flour yield, rich flour nutrition, delicate and sweet taste, so as to truly retain all the nutrition of the grains.
                      The above are the faults of stone mill sesame paste machinery and the corresponding solutions. I hope we can help you
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