


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
                      • 聯(lián)系:和經(jīng)理
                      • 電話(huà):17116125111
                      • 手機:17116125111
                      • 郵箱:3471464452@qq.com
                      • 網(wǎng)址:http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com
                      • 廠(chǎng)址:山東省濟南市章丘區相公莊鎮
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                      石磨全部選用優(yōu)良石材所制造,在傳統工藝的基礎上融合了新技術(shù),使研磨出來(lái)的成品絕大部分保留了原來(lái)的營(yíng)養,采用低的轉速,磨溫低,不會(huì )破壞小麥,芝麻等原料中的營(yíng)養成份。是真正的

                      石磨全部選用優(yōu)良石材所制造,在傳統工藝的基礎上融合了新技術(shù),使研磨出來(lái)的成品絕大部分保留了原來(lái)的營(yíng)養,采用低的轉速,磨溫低,不會(huì )破壞小麥,芝麻等原料中的營(yíng)養成份。是真正的天然綠色健康產(chǎn)品!
                      All the stone mills are made of fine stones. Based on the traditional technology, the new technology is integrated, so that most of the finished products retain the original nutrition. With low rotation speed and low grinding temperature, the nutrition of wheat, sesame and other raw materials will not be damaged. Is the real natural green health products!
                      The machine has the following features:
                      1. Multi purpose: it can process wheat, corn, sorghum, buckwheat, oats, soybeans, etc.
                      2.低速研磨、低溫加工,磨溫低,不會(huì )破壞小麥中的營(yíng)養物質(zhì),因此石磨面粉大程度地保留了小麥中的蛋白質(zhì)、面筋質(zhì)、胡蘿卜素、碳水化合物、鈣、原汁原味。不會(huì )使淀粉因高溫熟化糊化,蛋白質(zhì)面筋面性沒(méi)有改變,維生素微量元素不被破壞,營(yíng)養成分仍然存在。
                      2. Low speed grinding, low temperature processing, low grinding temperature, will not damage the nutrients in wheat, so the stone flour largely retains the wheat protein, gluten, carotene, carbohydrate, calcium, original flavor. The starch will not be gelatinized due to high temperature aging, the protein gluten will not be changed, the vitamin trace elements will not be destroyed, and the nutrients will still exist.
                      3. There are many kinds of mineral and trace elements in the stone mill. When the stone mill and the grain are rubbed naturally, the mineral and nutrient elements enter into the raw grain, which are naturally mixed, integrated and more nutritious.
                      1. Check whether the fasteners of all parts of the machine are loose. If they are loose, they should be tightened.
                      2. Place the machine on the level ground which is not easy for other people to approach.
                      3.機器下部接地 標志處必 須可靠接地,以免漏電傷人。
                      3. The grounding mark at the lower part of the machine must be grounded reliably to avoid electric leakage.
                      4.用戶(hù)自備全 斷開(kāi)裝置(如刀閘),將機器電纜線(xiàn)接入。
                      4. The user shall provide a full disconnect device (such as a knife switch) to connect the machine cable.
                      5. Close the knife switch and pull the switch handle to make the machine run in. The machine can be put into use without abnormal sound.
                      Stone mill flour is a kind of flour processed by traditional stone mill at low temperature and low speed without any additives. The speed is 20 rpm.
                      Benefits of stone mill
                      低速研磨,低溫加工,不會(huì )破壞小麥中的營(yíng)養物質(zhì),因此石磨面粉大程度地保留了小麥中的蛋白質(zhì)、面筋質(zhì)、胡蘿卜素、碳水化合物、鈣、磷、鐵、維生素B1、B2等各種營(yíng)養物質(zhì),特別是石磨面粉中的胡蘿卜素和維生素E是其它面粉的18倍。
                      Low speed grinding and low-temperature processing will not damage the nutrients in wheat, so the stone flour largely retains the protein, gluten, carotene, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, B2 and other nutrients in wheat, especially the carotene and vitamin E in stone flour is 18 times higher than other flour.
                      Its low-speed grinding features also maintain the molecular structure of flour, without any additives. When cooking, the color of stone flour soup is light yellow, while other flour soup containing additives is white.
                      石磨面粉保留了小麥的原汁原味,用石磨面粉制作的各種面食口感柔韌、麥香濃郁、營(yíng)養價(jià)值更高,是真 正天 然 綠色的健康食品!
                      Stone flour retains the original flavor of wheat. All kinds of pasta made of stone flour have flexible taste, rich wheat flavor and higher nutritional value. They are really natural and green health food!
                      首頁(yè) 走進(jìn)中陽(yáng) 產(chǎn)品中心 石磨小吃 新聞資訊 聯(lián)系我們 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT

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