


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
                      • 聯(lián)系:和經(jīng)理
                      • 電話(huà):17116125111
                      • 手機:17116125111
                      • 郵箱:3471464452@qq.com
                      • 網(wǎng)址:http://www.evgreencarinsurance.com
                      • 廠(chǎng)址:山東省濟南市章丘區相公莊鎮
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                      The service life of stone flour mill is often a problem of great concern to customers. In fact, because there are no vulnerable parts, the stone flour mill is not easy to be damaged, so it has a long service life. And in the use process, the proper use can be useful to extend the service life of the stone mill flour machine.
                      There are many decisive factors for the service life of stone flour mill, on the one hand, the quality of the machine itself, on the other hand, whether the operation in the production process is in line with the specification. Generally used as the grinding plate of stone mill flour machine is green sandstone, sandstone can not fade in the long-term use of the machine. Moreover, the service life of the flour mill can not be determined by the length of time alone, but by the amount of processing.
                      如果石磨面粉機長(cháng)時(shí)間處于高負荷的運轉狀態(tài)下,那負荷強度越大,受磨損的程度也就會(huì )越大,不加以制止的話(huà),設備使用壽命會(huì )大大縮短。當石磨磨小麥達到十萬(wàn)斤左右的時(shí)候,磨盤(pán)就需要打磨了,牙齒已經(jīng)不夠鋒利了。所以要求操作人員平時(shí)一定要做好檢查和保養,盡量制定好一個(gè)加工計劃,將時(shí)間合理的安排起來(lái),使設備處于正常狀態(tài)下,這樣可以有用延長(cháng)石磨面粉機的使用壽命。
                      If the stone mill is in high load operation for a long time, the greater the load intensity is, the greater the degree of wear will be. If it is not stopped, the service life of the equipment will be greatly shortened. When the stone grinding wheat reaches about 100000 Jin, the grinding plate needs to be polished, and the teeth are not sharp enough. So the operator must do a good job of inspection and maintenance, try to make a good processing plan, arrange the time reasonably, so that the equipment is in a normal state, which can effectively extend the service life of the stone flour mill.
                      對面粉機械的配件的距離進(jìn)行調 理,可以削減沖突表象的呈現。而高溫環(huán)境也會(huì )進(jìn)步?jīng)_突力,因而,恰當的降低工作溫度,就可以削減磨損。關(guān)于面粉機械簡(jiǎn)單磨損的部位進(jìn)行杰出的光滑,就可以削減沖突力過(guò)大然后形成磨損表象的呈現。
                      Adjusting the distance of flour machinery accessories can reduce the appearance of conflict. And the high temperature environment will also improve the conflict force, therefore, properly reduce the working temperature, you can reduce wear. On the flour machinery simple wear parts for outstanding smooth, can reduce the conflict force is too big, and then form the appearance of wear.
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