


                      熱門(mén)搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
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                      石磨面粉機的結構簡(jiǎn)單,加工出小麥營(yíng)養價(jià)值高,石磨面粉機運作時(shí)間長(cháng)了,會(huì )產(chǎn)生一些灰塵,操作者要及時(shí)清理,如果長(cháng)時(shí)間不清理,會(huì )影響小麥面粉口感。那么,在使用了一段時(shí)間后該如何

                      石磨面粉機的結構簡(jiǎn)單,加工出小麥營(yíng)養價(jià)值高,石磨面粉機運作時(shí)間長(cháng)了,會(huì )產(chǎn)生一些灰塵,操作者要及時(shí)清理,如果長(cháng)時(shí)間不清理,會(huì )影響小麥面粉口感。那么,在使用了一段時(shí)間后該如何正確清理電動(dòng)石磨呢?下面詳細介紹基本清理步驟。
                      The structure of the stone mill flour machine is simple, and the processed wheat has high nutritional value. If the stone mill flour machine runs for a long time, it will produce some dust. The operator should clean it in time. If it does not clean for a long time, it will affect the taste of wheat flour. So, after using for a period of time, how to correctly clean the electric stone mill? The basic cleaning steps are described in detail below.
                      Stone flour machine cleaning steps: it is recommended to use a small brush to clean out a little bit first, and hand cleaning is forbidden to avoid injury. If the small brush can not be cleaned, then we can only dismantle the equipment. The electric stone mill is our common flour processing equipment, which is small, space saving, simple and operable. Therefore, we should timely carry out maintenance treatment.
                      清理不管是對小麥還是加工小麥的機器都十分重要。如果未對石磨面粉機進(jìn)行清理的話(huà),會(huì )造成面粉口感變味,顏色呈雜樣化,還會(huì )影響健康。
                      Cleaning is very important for both wheat and wheat processing machines. If the stone mill flour machine is not cleaned up, the taste of flour will change, the color will be miscellaneous, and the health will be affected.
                      在使用完石磨面粉機之后,必 須要有工作人員會(huì )對石磨面粉機進(jìn)行認真細致的清洗,主要的部分是錐篩和平篩網(wǎng)部,如果清理不干凈,那么就會(huì )進(jìn)行堵塞,效率就會(huì )受到影響。注意在操作石磨面粉機時(shí)千萬(wàn)不要直接用手進(jìn)去,以免出現意外,或者是刮傷之類(lèi)。如果還是清理不干凈,那么就把石磨面粉機拆開(kāi)進(jìn)行清理。
                      After using the stone flour mill, there must be staff who will carefully clean the stone flour mill. The main part is the cone screen and the flat screen. If the cleaning is not clean, it will be blocked and the efficiency will be affected. Attention in the operation of the stone flour mill, do not go in directly by hand, in order to avoid accidents, or scratches and so on. If the cleaning is still not clean, then take apart the stone mill flour machine for cleaning.
                      Before the deep processing of Wheat by stone mill, the cleaning of wheat is one of the essential processes. This process has a certain impact on the later flour processing, as well as the quality and fineness of flour. The cleaning process of wheat is relatively long, which is generally composed of four stages: initial cleaning, woolen wheat cleaning, water regulation and wheat cleaning.
                      一、初清小麥進(jìn)入毛麥倉之前的清理過(guò)程稱(chēng)為初清。初清少應通過(guò)一道風(fēng)篩結合的初清篩。初清的任務(wù)是清 除小麥中的大雜質(zhì)(麥秸、麥穗、麻繩、木片等)和部分輕而小的雜質(zhì),以避免大雜質(zhì)堵塞設備的進(jìn)出口或輸送管道,和避免灰塵到處飛揚。小麥進(jìn)入毛麥倉前,應設置一道自動(dòng)秤,以便及時(shí)了解小麥的品種、數量,有計劃地進(jìn)倉和為小麥搭配提供依據。
                      1、 The cleaning process before the wheat in the early Qing Dynasty enters the wheat bin is called the early Qing Dynasty. The first cleaning should pass at least one air screen combined with the first cleaning screen. The task of the early Qing Dynasty is to remove the large impurities (straw, ear of wheat, hemp rope, wood chips, etc.) and some light and small impurities in wheat, so as to avoid the large impurities blocking the import and export of equipment or conveying pipelines, and avoid dust flying everywhere. An automatic scale should be set up before wheat entering the warehouse, so as to know the variety and quantity of wheat in time, and to provide basis for wheat matching.
                      2、 The cleaning process from the warehouse to the water regulation is called the cleaning process. The task of cleaning up the wheat is to separate all kinds of impurities in the wheat, so as to make it below the standard of grinding wheat. Generally, screening, stone removing, wheat washing, wheat beating, cleaning and magnetic separation equipment are used. In the cleaning stage of woolen wheat, the chafer or vertical iron screen thresher is generally used for light beating to avoid too much broken wheat.
                      三、水分調節在有條件的制粉廠(chǎng),應按小麥的工藝性質(zhì)分類(lèi)進(jìn)行水分調節,并且在入磨前進(jìn)行一次噴霧著(zhù)水,以取得較好的制粉效果。只在入磨前適量著(zhù)水,濕潤麥粒表面。加熱水分調節,一般說(shuō)可以縮短潤麥時(shí)間,對軟質(zhì)小麥的面粉品質(zhì)有所改 善,因此在一般情況下不宜采用.
                      Three. Water conditioning should be adjusted according to the classification of wheat in the condition of the flour milling plant, and a spray water should be sprayed before grinding to achieve better milling effect. Wet the surface of wheat grain with proper amount of water before grinding. Generally speaking, heating water regulation can shorten the moistening time and improve the flour quality of soft wheat
                      四、凈麥處理小麥在水分調節后一皮磨之間的清理過(guò)程稱(chēng)為凈麥處理。它是為了確保入磨凈麥質(zhì)量,提高產(chǎn)品純度,對小麥進(jìn)一步徹 底清理的過(guò)程。凈麥處理主要采用打、篩、刷(均結合風(fēng)選)等設備。打麥可采用立式花鐵篩打麥機適當重打。刷麥能進(jìn)一步對麥粒表面進(jìn)行清理,降低灰分。為保證磁性雜質(zhì)分離的效率,在小麥入磨前的一道磁選應采用永磁滾筒。
                      4、 The cleaning process of wheat after water regulation to a skin mill is called wheat cleaning treatment. It is a process to ensure the quality of ground wheat, improve the purity of products, and further thoroughly clean up the wheat. Wheat cleaning mainly uses beating, sieving, brushing (all combined with air separation) and other equipment. The vertical iron screen threshing machine can be used for threshing. Wheat brushing can further clean the surface of wheat grain and reduce ash content. In order to ensure the efficiency of magnetic impurity separation, the permanent magnetic drum should be used in a magnetic separation before wheat is grinded.
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